Our Team*

Carefully selected employees with great ideas and even greater know-how.


“We are curious, we scrutinize”

Our team consists of specialists with a focus on all relevant sectors, all of them with the same philosophy: How can I contribute to fulfill the customer’s requirements ? We are not focused on special technologies or products but we can draw on profound knowledge and become quickly familiar with new topics. This enables us to find the best solution for your problem,  to conceive and implement your personal requirements.

*More than a team: the it-objects-family.

Prof. Dr. Stefan Eicker
Prof. Dr. Stefan Eicker
Managing Director
Dr. Erik Heimann
Dr. Erik Heimann
Managing Director
Rene Barkschat
Rene Barkschat
Software Engineer
Dr. Michael Beul
Dr. Michael Beul
Project Manager
Tobias Brogt
Tobias Brogt
Software Engineer
Dennis Eicker
Dennis Eicker
Team Lead
Ludwig Gottschalk
Ludwig Gottschalk
Software Engineer
Enis Hamidulin
Enis Hamidulin
Trainee Software Engineer
Gereon Heinemann
Gereon Heinemann
Software Engineer
Kaushik Katariya
Kaushik Katariya
Cloud Engineer
Frank Klinkert
Frank Klinkert
Software Engineer
Philip Korte
Philip Korte
Software Engineer
Alexander Lücke
Alexander Lücke
Software Engineer
Daniel Meier
Daniel Meier
Head of Software Development
Andreas Ruitter
Alexej Nillmaier
Software Engineer
Karsten Radatz
Karsten Radatz
Project Manager
Kerim Rohs
Kerim Rohs
Software Engineer
Andreas Ruitter
Andreas Ruitter
Lead native App Engineer
Patrick Schumacher
Patrick Schumacher
Software Engineer
Widura Schwittek
Widura Schwittek
Head of Cloud/DevOps
Guido Selinger
Guido Selinger
System Engineer
Dr. Thorsten Spies
Dr. Thorsten Spies
Solution Architect
Dr. Gero Strobel
Dr. Gero Strobel
Senior Scientist
Tobias Suhrborg
Tobias Suhrborg
Software Engineer
Silvar Yako
Silvar Yako
Software Engineer
Special Force
Head of Barketing


Patrick da Silva
Patrick da Silva
Digital Consultant
Rui Branco
Rui Branco
Software Engineer
André Gomes
André Gomes
Software Engineer
Diogo Martins
Diogo Martins
Software Engineer
Guilherme Ribeiro
Guilherme Ribeiro
Software Engineer
You want to join the team?
Take a look at our JOBS-SECTION